Microdata Systems, Inc. was founded in 1983.
Over the years, Microdata managed many high-visibility, high-value
programs. Microdata is frequently called to provide mentoring,
process development and Project Management training to senior project
management leadership in both the commercial and military workspace.
Microdata has provided Delay and Disruption analyses and expert witness
artifacts for multi-million dollar claim activity.
Microdata is known for its expertise in
understanding the reasons why projects fail and has presented time after
time the rigors and discipline needed to ensure that project management
personnel keep their plans on-track.
Recently, Microdata provided training and policy
guidance for the Program Executive Office (PEO) Intelligence
Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEW&S) office headquartered at the
Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Maryland. This discipline is now
paying off as the Project and Product Managers have better control